Sunday, 6 July 2014

You're Right Where You're Supposed To Be

Everyone comes across those days, months, years when you just feel like your falling from the sky, you don't know how you got there or why, but you're falling. It's a big blur, it's rushing past you and gives you nothing to grab onto. These times can be dark, filled with anxiety and confusion. You probably don't deserve to be falling but you are, causing anger as well. 

Sometimes its easier to keep falling like this. But that doesn't make it right. 

It's a pretty silly move when you think about the fact that you're not actually falling. When everything is really, all in your control. You just have to reach for the ground and you'll find it there, right where it's supposed to be, and where it was all along. 

You can make the decisions in your life. You are your own self, your own mind. That's the gift we were as humans were given, the thing that differentiates us from animals. Self awareness and the ability to make decisions for ourselves. We have the power to change a bad day into a good day, the power to manifest thoughts into actions and share the best of ourselves with others. 

And instead of thinking of everything as an unknown, how about just trusting that you are right where you are supposed to be. Whether you have been through loss, trauma, heartbreak and challenges, instead of wondering why you are falling from the sky with all these heavy burdens, how about just letting go and reaching for the ground. Your feet will surely find the ground, right where you left it. Knowing that you can be and are right where you are supposed to be at this moment in your life is a much bigger feeling of comfort and strength than the pseudo comfort you feel when you allow yourself to keep falling.

The day you truly believe from the inside that you have the world to offer and deserve the world back then everything will happen at the right moments in order to continue to shape you into the product that you were destined to be. Whether the end product is someone worth the world or someone worth nothing is for you to decide and for you only. 

Life holds beautiful things but they don't always come looking for you. Just like the ground that's there waiting for you, life and the beautiful things it has to offer is always waiting for you as long as you reach out to find it. 

You are the product of years of growth, happiness,love, tears, laughter, fear and triumph. That product is priceless and you are the owner of this priceless item... Just like a diamond that has been shaped by time and nature to produce the most beautiful rock. You have to take care of it and share it only with people who will appreciate it for all its worth. Never allow a careless person to break it, snatch it right out of their hands and don't give it back to them! You are the owner and you decide exactly where it goes and what happens to it. 

Bottom line: Love yourself, better yourself everyday, and learn from your mistakes and your experiences, good or bad. All of this will be part of your journey. Slow down, take time to cherish things, observe things, appreciate things... To be secure in oneself as a human being is by far the strongest weapon you can be armed with in life. 

Whatever you are going through, whether it be extreme or mundane, remember you are right where you're supposed to be. All these moments will lead you to the next and in time you will be able to look back and see the reasons as to why you had been through those situations and how it molded you into the person you continue to grow to become.

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